Thursday, September 20, 2012

Food Secrets to Healthy Glowing Skin

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well-Virginia Woolf

The greatest wealth is health.  ~Virgil

This post is dedicated to all the Bella's out there that are looking to get glowing, gorgeous skin.  First off Everything starts on the inside with your liver functioning properly.  Check out for some great super foods and vitamins that I love to take!  I like to make my Sundays a give back to me day.  I usually start my morning off with a detox shake, I go for a nice run with my dog and I try not to miss yoga.  Your skin says a lot about your diet.  If your skin is dull and dry that's an indication that you are not on the right track with the foods you are consuming.  Don't just accept that you were born this way.  Take control!

  1. Avocados"Going green" really is healthy! Rich, creamy avocadoes are abundant in B-complex vitamins that nourish your skin inside and out.

    Niacin (vitamin B-3) is especially important for healthy skin. Niacin acts as an anti-inflammatory by soothing irritated skin and calming red, blotchy skin. One avocado has 3.8 mg niacin which fullfills 27% of your daily need.

    Tip: In your morning smoothie, try substituting your banana with half an avocado. Blend it with yogurt and frozen berries. This results in a creamy nutty flavor with a great boost for your skin.

  2. MangoesContaining more than 80 % of your daily requirements for vitamin A, mangoes prove to be a great face food. Vitamin A is a powerful tool in maintaining and repairing skin cells. It acts as an antioxidant in fighting free radical damage that can prematurely age your skin. Mangoes are even great for your figure as they are fewer than 70 calories per serving.

  3. AlmondsGoing nuts is actually a good thing! Almonds provide 150% of your daily need for vitamin E. Its rich oils moisturize your skin and its antioxidants protect your skin from damage and premature aging of facial tissues.

  4. Cottage CheeseI've always thought of dairy being good for my bones. Little did I know the secret of selenium in cottage cheese. Selenium teams up with vitamin e as an essential mineral for fighting free radicals and providing powerful antioxidants. The result, beautiful skin. These creamy little curds have even been rumored to protect against skin cancer.

  5. Acerola CherriesNot all cherries are created equal. When you go to your local farmers market, be sure to ask for Acerola cherries and you will be on the right track. A single one of these tasty little treats supplies 100% of your daily allowance of vitamin C. Vitamin C acts as an anitoxidant by fighting skin damage and wrinkles. It even helps in the production of collagen, the structural protein in your skin.

  6. OystersThese oceanic critters are not only famous as an aphrodisiac. They're also great for your skin. Being rich in zinc, they can help to fight acne by producing sebum - a lack of which can lead to acne. Zinc, when paired with vitamin C, can also help boost elastin production.

  7. Baked PotatoesNot all carbs are bad. Actually, a steaming baked potatoe can benefit your skin by providing 75% of your daily need for copper. When paired with vitamin C and zink, it helps produce elastin fibers that support skin structure. A lack of this essential mineral reduces your skins ability to heal and can lead to dull, lifeless skin.

  8. MushroomsMushrooms are rich in riboflavin, a B vitamin that is vital to your skin's health. Riboflavin aids in skin maintenance, repair and can even improve skin blemishes caused by rosacea.

  9. Flaxseed OilOmega 3s are great for your skin. Not a fish lover? That's ok! Actually, one of the best sources of this essential fatty acid is flaxseed oil. Add just 1 teaspoon of this magic potion to your morning smoothie or cup of yogurt per day and you will be getting 2.5 grams of Omega 3s. This will help hydrate your skin, dilute sebum and unclog pores thereby preventing acne.

  10. Wheat GermHere is the one time getting "germs" is a good thing! Wheat germ is referring to the embryo within a grain of wheat. Wheat germ is a great source of biotin, a B vitamin crucial to the health of your skin. Just a mild deficiency of this vitamin can actually lead to dermatitis - itchy, scaly skin. Add a little to your morning yogurt and you will be good to go.

Tags: acerola cherries, almonds, avacado, baked potatoes, cottage cheese, eat, flaxseed oil, food, food secrets to healthy glowing skin, free radical damage, frozen berries, fruits, glow, health, healthy, mangoes, medicine, mushrooms, natural, oysters, red blotchy skin, skin, skincare, sleep, virgil, virginia woolf, wheat germ


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